Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Friday, December 31, 2004

Angels they burn inside for us. (:

heh im learning to smile like clari. keke.

anw went out to celebrate betz bdae today, was great catching up with them! (: well i couldnt really say much since i was the only guy outta 4 girls, but heh, i had fun yea. glad she liked the present i got for her. it was the phantom of the opera soundtrack. uber l337. went to harry's bar at the esplanade after that. woo whee the guitarist was 1x kan hohsei. his strokes and plucks are like indescribable. but its damn nais. hurhur. yup my parents came to fetch me after that and i was really glad cos my dad just came back from NZ after 2 wks. new shirt and board shorts for meee! ((: gonna turn in now cos im damn tired. heheheh

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

One, You're like a dream come true.
Two, Just wanna be with you.
Three, girl it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one.
was going home from ben's house just now. and suddenly i just felt..void. i'm neither pissed nor sian or whatsoever, tho i might look kinda peeved. for some reason or another, something was gnawing at me, and i dont know what it is. i was just pissed because i was. no one said anything nor did anything.

to add to the point, im not trixxing anyone. whatever "liking" there was, has already dwindled down to 0. and im not gonna put up with anymore of those mindless teasing. its fucked up. i dont care whether im talking to her or what, just know that i aint liking anybody now. so yea. whatever good points i saw in her pales in comparison to her flaws. dont ask me why. but i just think that way, even though i convince myself that is not so. i dont care if its a waste or not either, so fuck off.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Ryan Cabrera - True

I wont talk
I wont breathe
I wont move
Till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think
I don't look
But deep inside in the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you

I'm weak
It's true
Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cause my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true
You don't know
What you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak
It's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try, anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

I know when I go
I'll be on my way to you
The way that's true
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
It's time to try, anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true.

Hmm. I initially kinda thought that the tune was nice and all. But after seeing the lyrics and stuff, i kinda feel touched by the song. For some reason the lyrics harbour a feeling of harmonious sentimental value layered with a thin sheet of bitterness and sorrow. Its apt. Really. For it kinda describes the situation most people are in. Liking someone, but not letting him or her know, and the despair that comes with it. Its kinda morale boosting, in a weird way, if you ask me. I'd like to play this song during my wedding or something. Because coupled with videos of various memories and stuff, its bound to move people to tears. Can't help it, but i just dig this kinda songs. hur. :)

Saturday, December 25, 2004

lol. first of all i've gotta say that this is like one of the best xmas i've had in a LONG LONG time.

thanks alot guy, and gals. namely, ben, and the 3 Cs.

yeah mang u guys are the shit. and although u guys <3 asking stupid questions all the time, its cool yeah. lol. tho its like only been a short while since we met, u girls have certainly brought lotsa laughter into my life. u girls rock yeah. and i aint trying to be funny. :)

btw fake snow pwns u all. hehehehe.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

[09] loiiiiii santa's little elf HOHOHO says:
He thought the gers in this school are all beautiful vases. Nice to look at but useless
[09] loiiiiii santa's little elf HOHOHO says:
[09] loiiiiii santa's little elf HOHOHO says:
Renfu : Are.. you free 2 go dinner wif mi??

Selina : *excited* Ya, of course..

Renfu : I will come and pick you uo at 7pm.

Selina : ok, but gt 1 problem.

Renfu : wat is it??

Selina : U do not have my address..

Renfu : Ooo, Ya hor..

Selina : My adddress is @#$%$%^%$^*@$$..

Renfu : ok, see you later. bye.

Selina : Bye..

Selina : AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
- fysh / I've been walking in circles. says:
[09] loiiiiii santa's little elf HOHOHO says:

- fysh / I've been walking in circles. says:
Selina : Hebe, Ella, faster walk up lehz. Late alr.

Hebe : wat thing?? So early make so much noise.

Ella : Ya lor.

Selina : 2day is 5566 autograph session. Late alr. Later go there, gt alot of ppl how?? ( note : SHE is not a idol )

Hebe : o, ya hor.

They went 2 wash up n change.

After a few more minutes, they finally reach.

Selina : Wow, so many ppl liao.

Hebe : ya lor. But i think we are the first 50 la. Cheebye la.

[09] loiiiiii santa's little elf HOHOHO says:
lol. maple story pwns u. keke.

anyway in arnd 50 more mins it'd be xmas eve.

Any wishes, any plans?

Sadly, i've got none. Who gives a damn. Santa aint gonna do shit but rub his belly and go "hohoho".

anyway for ju who's perform tmr, all the best mang. i hope u'll succeed!



Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"Fuck lar cheebye."

Famous quote #1 of a bored fysh.

fuck lar. sian can. can can can can can can can can can can.


Haha. Empty Rants for you all. If you're bored, Raise up your hand and scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have the sudden urge to stuff myself.

Anyone wanna chiong seoul garden?

Monday, December 20, 2004

I seriously hope it doesnt end in the same way for ben. Because a second time is no fucking joke.

Then again, dont be too fast to judge people.

I know how it feels to be misunderstood.

So yeah, before anything is made crystal clear, please dont harbour any displeasure.

Sure, he might have asked her out for dinner or something, and might have gone to esplanade, but im sure they didnt do anything. At least trust him on account that u once called him "bro".

I seriously do not want our friendship to dissolve because of those wretched beings called "girls".

Ok, not all. But girls who lead people on unknowingly.

Its quite fucked up come to think of it. Even i think so now. -shrugs-

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Ju - Angie - Me - Ben. GAHHhAha
asdfasdfasdf. Me and angie

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Went to the beach yesterday, and got so burnt, I feel as if I've been to hell and back. keke.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Monday, December 13, 2004

G called me a porpoise.
Now, I wasn't so sure what the fuck was a porpoise, so I went to look for one.

Here it is:


Saturday, December 04, 2004

teehee my mobo's sent to dimension X and i dun fucking know when it'll be back. till then i'd be using my sis's comp, to which she aint very happy about, but who the fuck cares. lol. anyway since i'd be at home stoning like fuck, anyone who wanna go out and chill can just fucking drop me a line. kekekekekeke. ok im having a high tide now. gotta go toilet and chill.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

went out to chill today. gahah. im gonna buy a timberland shirt once i get my monies. was quite a pretty alright day today. just went to klkk with ju. WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO E BEACH TODAY, BUT GOT PUSHED TO THURS INSTEAD. cheebye. ok lar sian im in no mood to blog long posts now cos my mobo's fucked up.

she's going to taiwan tmr. :(
went out to chill today. gahah. im gonna buy a timberland shirt once i get my monies. was quite a pretty alright day today. just went to klkk with ju. WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO E BEACH TODAY, BUT GOT PUSHED TO THURS INSTEAD. cheebye. ok lar sian im in no mood to blog long posts now cos my mobo's fucked up.

she's going to taiwan tmr. :(