Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

been a long day for me and i just pretty much got back home from being a social escort.

fridays are always great, as usual :)

highlight of today was the visit to SPH though.

everyone there at SPH was just fucking l337.

i found myself paying attention to everyone that spoke to us during the mini tour.
as i was telling jocelin, i have a pretty short attention span, so me actually listening to someone talk for extended periods of time is actually quite a rare sight to come by.

and i have to say that im pretty inspired by them. (yeah ok i know this sounds wrong cos i usually dont give a fuck bout anything)

was quite an experience lah, im glad Ms Chuah brought us there to look see.

anyway, here're a couple of people we met during our tour of the FM100.3 studios there. (got these pics from the website)

DJ WenHong

DJ Kemin

pretty nice and warm people, was pretty impressed by them.

pardon the tardiness of this post though, when i was touring SPH this morning, i told myself i'd blog a nice long post about how ___________ (insert any positive adjective here) i felt.

but im fucking tired, so just make do with it.


my shoes were already pretty fucked up.

just today, as i was running after the bus,

my shoes just entered a new realm of FUBAR-ness. (Fucked Up Beyond Any Recognition)


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