Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

keke. i shall blog since im regening hp/mp now.
work was as usual, boring. so i shant touch on that.
had dinner with G and X in the evening.

ahah and x was telling us abt the standup comedy he watched.
goes like this.

back then when the niggers werent freed by abraham lincoln yet, they were prevented from reading and studying. basically they were denied any form of education. if the whites found any nigger who was educated, they'd kill him on the spot.

So there was this nigger driving some truck filled with whites. yeah and x added the "drive drive drive, drive drive drive" effect as he rotated his head.

anyhow, the nigger drove and drove till he saw a "Stop" sign.
Now, he was in a dilemma.
On one hand, he couldnt stop the truck, because he wasnt supposed to know how to read.
yet on the other hand, if he doesnt stop, the truck would go over the cliff and they'd all die.

So he was like "OH GOD. OH GOD." and decided to go over the cliff.
but then the whites were like "hey nigger stop the fucking truck!"
the nigger stopped the truck.

the whites said "get ur fucking ass down here. what the fuck were u doing? DIDNT U SEE THE STOP SIGN?"
nigger said "what stop sign? what did it mean?"
the whites pointed to the sign and said " THAT SIGN! DONT U SEE IT? IT SAYS STOP"
the nigger looked, then pointed, and said "oh..u mean that OCTAGONAL sign?"

and then the whites said "nigger, who taught u "octagonal"?"

hoho le pwned.


  • At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    uh. stop signs are octagonal, not hexagonal.

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger ChR0 said…

    is it? oh okay. haha but i swore i heard hexagonal. oh well thanks for the reminder then (:


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