Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

another night of no WOW.
but this time, there's Warcraft 3 to keep me company. KEKE

anyhow, the purpose of this blog post is.....

to thank Evie, Phil and Bernie for coming over to visit today. :)

It was a real surprise to me and i really REALLY appreciate the company.

Sorry for sounding grumpy at the start though, im like that whenever im awakened rudely from my nap. heh.

but hey, thanks again for coming! :)

ok back to WC3. KEKE



  • At 3:07 AM, Blogger FuSe said…

    HE HE HE.

    hope you liked the bag rubbish i left on your computer table.

    bernie told me to do it :D

  • At 2:29 PM, Blogger ChR0 said…

    bernie u cheebye

  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger alvyn said…

    you and your fucking WOW. can u please fucking wake up.

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger ChR0 said…

    ni naohiah lah

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger evie said…

    wahrao i lend you so many movies you go and play warcraft. >:(

  • At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    FUCK U



    - bernie

  • At 12:08 AM, Blogger ChR0 said…

    ahha eh i got watch can. i finished watching 50 first dates and 13 going on 30. pretty good movies :)

    chick flicks ftw

  • At 3:43 AM, Blogger FuSe said…

    hahahha fysh is such a wuss nowww.

    and yea la i suggested it lar, poor burnee always taking the brunt of all things bad.

  • At 6:01 PM, Blogger alvyn said…

    eh ni nabei you know i usually don't kp you until so mature. but this time around im fucking serious when i say its high time you woke up and maybe take a look around you.

    there's more to life than fucking WOW. maybe you do set time aside for your friends, i wouldn't know cuz im in camp most of the time. but that's not an excuse to continue gaming. its like smoking isn't it. addictive and hard to kick. the difference is that i don't let cigerettes run my life, i run my life TOGETHER with it.

    you're letting WOW dictate how your day goes. if you've got to insance later, then you'll gladly stay home and game rather than go out for supper. money's not an issue and you know it because you know i'll gladly treat you to teh or supper.

    you've got more than just some silly game armour or weapons going for you dude. you just need to wake up and know what the hell you want and work for it.

    i don't really care if you angst over this comment or post another "nabei la" or sthing similar. i've spoken my mind and its time for you to search yourself and touch your heart. have you been fair to the people around you? or have you only been fair to yourself and your beloved WOW?

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger FuSe said…


  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger FuSe said…

    alvyn chill.

    it's called internet addiction, and there are many sources of help out there. it's something a lot of people suffer from.

    chill mang chill.

  • At 12:06 AM, Blogger alvyn said…

    I'm in no position to ask fysh to quit I guess, taking into consideration the simple fact that I've tried and failed to kick smoking.

    True, there maybe many people who're suffering from internet addiction. But don't you think that its not worth it to let your life revolve around some game?

    There's bound to be a limit somewhere.

  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger FuSe said…

    well yea, but to each their own. and in the case of vices, you can truly empathise why you cannot let go of certain things even though there are so many reasons not to do it right?

    so yea.

    i'm sure he'd still visit you in the ICU if you got rammed down by a 3-tonner instead of WoWing :D

  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger alvyn said…

    lol don't old school leh now where got 3 tonner all 5 tonner can. and 7 tonner to tow artillery guns.

    aiyah i won't expect him to quit for sure, but at least don't go crazy over it what. neh mind he will wake up soon when something more interested than WOW comes out hur hur.


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