Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Monday, September 12, 2005

List three random facts about yourself that your friends might not know.
And then tag five other friends to do it.

1. i dont swear when im at home.
2. i'm allergic to bird's nest.
3. i think girls with ponytails look really good. provided they can carry it off. my Wow character has a pony tail. AGGHAHAHA

-scrolling up through eunice's never ending surveys-

i was gonna do that "put a name for each person in ur class" thingy.
but then as i was doing, i found out i would put my name in every, if not most of the categories.

so i guess imma just list those which cant apply to me.

2. your son's wife Karmen. why? so that i can be sure my son isnt hen pecked and develops into a wuss like you-know-who.
5. your husband/wife's best friend of the opposite sex Eviee.

hmm thats about it. btw i gotta point out that whoever made this has a SICK mind.

7. your lawyer, assuming you just killed a nice old pregnant lady out of sheer evilness

in fact i dont think she can even be pregnant.
which means the old lady lied.
which means she deserved to die.
which means i win the case.


  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Eunice said…

    LOL OMG that's brilliant! I shoulda put you to speak my case ahahahha.

    Eh no leh.. do the whole survey with the entire class lah.. I allow you to put your name for the household pet question. :)


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