Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

hmm ok this was a post taken from my archives.
more than 1 yr ago i guess.

"saw this on someone's bloggah.
"like there was this one on what love is, and it says that love stems from a very long friendship, when you know each other so well, you could complete each other's sentence before the other finishes, you know exactly what's going on in each other's minds, and that you've accepted their faults. you don't have doubts of the other person when you're really in love"
how very true. my sentiments exactly."

this was what i thought when i was still a sentimental love-sick fool.

now that i think of it, what's so exciting if you already know what ur partner's thinking about?
my stand on this is we'll never be able to truly know and understand someone. there's always a part of him/her, be it major or minor, we'll tend to overlook.
hell, even i dont understand myself sometimes.
so, looking from that paragraph's point of view, we're only in love with that someone when we truly understand and have this bond/link with him/her.

and since my point of view is different,
looks like i'll never get married.


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