Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

sian 1/2.
since everyone's putting up their Xmas Wish List, why shouldn't i?

my l337 wishlist

1)a new motherboard
2)a new CPU fan
3)a 3.0 gig processor (at least, or faster)
3)new shirts from Ralph Lauren
4)new shirts from Adidas
5)getting my hands on part 3 of this trilogy im reading now. (which would mean a library marathon. cos lanjiao lohtuan dun have)
6)more nais games
7)new shoes perhaps. im thinking of Nike Dunks. queensway time. hurhur
8)me not being lazy and following my exercise routine

and of course the greatest wish of all, the one wish to satisfy all the above wishes,

im such a simple guy. tsk.



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