Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Sunday, September 05, 2004

hmm this is part of a group work which i did last thursday. its abt an essay entitled ""Man has no right to play God by trying to either change or create life." Discuss."

In the Quran, there is a phrase, "Tengrakat Messiah Awas Dengan, holi Allah! Allah yang tigre, urang tak bulay yong tigre kah Allah, Majulah Allah". In english, it means, "Thou shalt not dethrone the King , for he is the Almighty. If his commandments are broken, then the sinner shalt burn in Hell for eternity and the hellfires shall consume his condemned soul. Hail Allah! Long live Allah!" From this quote, we can see that the people are God fearing by nature, and hold their Gods in reverance. Thus, naturally they would not go against their own God in terms of power, by changing or creating life. Therefore, my stand is, "Man has no right to play God."

Hence from the above points, I feel that God gave us free will to help us make our own decisions, and live our own lives in our own ways, instead of just being mindless humanoids walking about. Man has no right to be equal to God, as it would violate the sacred sanctity of life itself. Its the same as the Gaia theory, where all living things are interconnected and dependant on one another. Should we try to intervene with nature, it would only backfire, just as God would smite us if we do anything sinful. Therefore, I feel that God is nature personified, and we should all go along with the flow. However, we still have the right to learn and improve ourselves, as long as it does not threaten other lives and our own moral integrity.

yup that's all. i did the intro and conclusion. lol. and the teacher said it was good stuff. wtf.

The above quote from the Quran was bullshit and is not true, and i'm only using it as an example to show that people are God fearing, nothing more. I'm not trying to be racist here, nor am i here to poke fun at malays. Its just a pure, innocent Gp essay. :)


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