Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

sometimes, people comment. but the thing is, they cant do any shit about it. so just shut the fuck up. when u comment, but have no power to do anything, its just like sitting on a toilet bowl after shitting with no toilet paper. so please, save urself this embarrassment.
this is in reply to people who read my blog and say i'm racist. well, let me tell you. there's a thin line between extreme racism and mild racism. i make racist jokes, laugh, then forget about it. I dont go around inciting riots and causing social and political unrest, do i? do u see me going around throwing pork at malays or throwing beef at indians? I doubt so. so go away lar. if u're not happy then dun read lar. its just common sense. IN fact, i do not shun malays or indians, unless they're the type who really piss people off. i've got my malay and indian friends whom i treat with equal dignity and respect. so think twice again before u say "eeyer fysh is racist! such an ugly personality", or all i've got to say is "Stfu n00b." oh and by the way, Being racist doesnt equate to having a lousy personality. :)


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