Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Monday, March 15, 2004

hmm, btw i was trying to find the malay translation of the phrase, "I OWN U UPSIDE DOWN". if i'm not wrong, its "aku own yuo tomabaleh." i couldn't find a translation for "own". that explains how refined the malay language is. guess allah must be stupid too. if one day, some virus were to infect all the chickens, ducks, cows, and everything except dogs and pigs, i wonder how those mats will survive. will they discard their religion, and eat pork? or will they juz die in the name of allah. lol. well, they can always turn to vege for a change. or i'd be glad to recommend them Fatty Weng's Delicious Kuay Chap. Try it, cos it OWNS YUO TOMABALEH.


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