Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

juz received her xmas present. might be late..but oh well..better late then never..right now..i juz feel forgotten. looking back on all my posts now. i juz feel that its wishful thinking on my part. i'm juz so bloody naive. yeah. naive. cos i still watch bloody cartoons. but that's besides the point. right now, i feel that the situation, is juz "i love you, but u don't love me no more". yeah, and i juz cant help but feel depressed. all over again. because i seriously do not know how u feel towards me now. good or bad. i dun wanna know anymore. i juz don't. its juz so hard to be a "friend" to u all over again. its so hard, its bloody torture. i read ur blog, and i agree with what jolene said. u said u were afraid of ur parents knowing. maybe they knew? or maybe they didn't, but perhaps they would juz nod and say "i'm happy for u" when they knew u had a boyfriend? nothing happened at all. and u chose to give it all up. as for studies, A levels might be coming, for u at least. and u were afraid u couldn't concentrate. that was ur problem, which was mine too. aren't couples supposed to solve each other's problems together? u might say "i'm afraid of becoming a burden to u". u know jolly well that i wouldn't mind, in fact i'd be happy to shoulder ur problems with u. but no, u chose to give it up. u chose the easy way out. by juz going to the root of all problems and eliminating it. which was me. but if u'd ask me "why would u still wait for me even when i already broke up with u?" i'd reply "because i believe its something worth waiting for. i love you."


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