Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Monday, February 22, 2010

post of the week! (almost forgot) this week has been pretty slack, only 2 days in camp since i had friday off. Nothing much happened either, though i finally passed my icct! But with a dislocated arm AGAIN! Wth. And it came out just 10 secs into the fight. Thank god they didnt fail me again. If they did, i think i'd go crazy. Anyhow, shoutout to ben : hey paiseh bout saturday ah, pangseh u halfway. I really appreciate the lift down though. Thanks man. :) met up with felicia today in the afternoon before heading down to weilong's niece birthday party in the evening. All in all, a pretty long day for me. At least i get to book out wed night for some eprep shit in maju camp on thurs. Saikang on friday too. Alright, night!


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