Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

was reading crystal's blog and how she said that girls who swear are un-classy and confused and dirty.

lol yeah right darling.

every girl swears, the only thing being, to what extent.

"stupid" could mean "fuck", the only difference being it SOUNDS milder.

but the intention is still there.

to swear.

some guys like girls who're oh-so-holy and all, and they hate to hear swear words coming outta their mouths.
well to each his own, because the girl that i like would be someone who would not hesitate to swear.
to me, swearing is just like another form of communication.
ok lets say i get a girl who doesnt swear.
if she doesnt swear, i try not to swear too.
but then i'd be acting all innocent and decent in front of her.
fuck, even i wont be able to stand it.

still i dont mean to say that i like girls who go around swearing like sailors.

to those girls who know when, and where, and who to swear at,
u got my respect.

anyhowwwwwwww, im gonna fail those exams.
but those who know me well already,
what's new right?


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