Fysh tails. (pun pun)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Thus, i shall blog about relationship stuff.
Stuff which a couple of girls in class can relate to.

Ok well, firstly from what I see, many girls experience this part in which the guy says something and doesnt mean it.
it kinda depends on what he says though. its kinda subjective from case to case, so i dont wanna generalise first.
so, if u're a girl, and u're reading this. give me a few examples so that i can blog about it in my next post.

on to the part of "guys HAVE to take initiative"
yeah true, that might be a prerequisite for some girls who only date guys who make the move ALL the time.
some guys like making the move ALL the time, so thats their own business.
but guys like me, would find it tiring if we had to make the move ALL the time.
firstly, it would seem that the girl is uninterested.
secondly, it would seem we're desperate.

i would love it if the girl asks me out once out of every three times we hang out.
frankly i dont think any guy will mind if there's at least a wee bit of reciprocation. at least we know that the girl we're interested in, is interested in us too.

i think that applies to the smsing and calling too. instead of waking up and expecting a "good morning" sms from ur guy, i'd say do ur part, take the initiative and sms him first. it will MOST CERTAINLY make his day. from my own personal experience, i used to sms my ex first every alternate day, and my ex would do the same too.

every girl wants someone to cry on, someone to love, someone to (insert something here) and they end off with "thats all i ask for".
somehow i think "thats all" is an understatement.
what you're asking for isnt something easy.
its a lifetime committment (if u guys are looking towards the future)
guys are like that too.
they want someone to hold, someone to protect, someone to be special to them.
only they dont blog about it.
i know i want someone special too.
but i guess with my eccentric mindset its hard to find one.
lets not sidetrack

think about it, if both sides are just gonna "ask" for someone like that
it aint gonna come.
someone special isnt gonna just step into ur life and STAY THERE just because u asked for him like a child asking for a sweet.
a dog might come when u call for it, but it leaves when u've got nothing for it.

same logic applies.

moral of the story is : "if you wanna ask, be prepared to give too. otherwise u're just plain selfish."

and selfish people can just fuck off.

Edit: ok just in case u guys are wondering, this blog post isnt about anyone. im just writing in general. so yeah no offense to anyone.


  • At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Um wow...heavy stuff... =/

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger ChR0 said…

    lol i was bored. (:
    i liked ur article on the sniper guy learning how to kill people thru HALO though.

  • At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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